2EAR FM encourages interested members of the community it serves, to become Members of Ear Inc. Membership subscriptions help cover the cost of operating the station.
Individuals and organisations and businesses may become members of Ear Inc.
A variety of volunteer positions are available at 2ear FM and training is provided in all areas.
To become a volunteer at 2earfm, you will first need to be accepted as a member, so that you are covered by our Insurance Policy.
Step 1.
A Membership Application Form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, the "Contact Us" page or collected from the 9 Rose Street, Moruya Studio, or phone 4474 5445 and arrange for a form to be posted to you.
Step 2.
Fill out the form and post it to The Secretary, EAR Inc. PO Box 86 Moruya. NSW 2537.
Step 3.
New memberships are reviewed at Management Committee meetings, which take place on the fourth Wednesday of each month.
Step 4.
The Secretary will then notify you in writing soon after re; your membership status. You will also receive an Invoice for fees due.
Payment of fees is not required until you receive this notification.
Membership Categories & Annual Fees
Single Full Member $35.00
Family Membership (two or more persons living at the same residential address) $50.00
Business Organisation $100.00
Community Organisation $50.00
Part II of the Constitution of Ear Inc. outlines the process of becoming a Member of the Association and explains the voting rights.
All categories of members have one vote at member meetings.
Application for Membership shall be made on the Membership Application Form on the "Contact us" page.
Volunteers at 2EAR FM must be Members of the Association.
All prospective and existing Volunteers at 2EAR FM should be familiar with the Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities.
Ten Good Reasons to be a Member of 2EAR FM
2EAR FM encourages interested members of the community it serves, to become Members of Ear Inc. Membership subscriptions help cover the cost of operating the station.
Individuals and organisations and businesses may become members of Ear Inc.
A variety of volunteer positions are available at 2ear FM and training is provided in all areas.
To become a volunteer at 2earfm, you will first need to be accepted as a member, so that you are covered by our Insurance Policy.
Step 1.
A Membership Application Form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page, the "Contact Us" page or collected from the 9 Rose Street, Moruya Studio, or phone 4474 5445 and arrange for a form to be posted to you.
Step 2.
Fill out the form and post it to The Secretary, EAR Inc. PO Box 86 Moruya. NSW 2537.
Step 3.
New memberships are reviewed at Management Committee meetings, which take place on the fourth Wednesday of each month.
Step 4.
The Secretary will then notify you in writing soon after re; your membership status. You will also receive an Invoice for fees due.
Payment of fees is not required until you receive this notification.
Membership Categories & Annual Fees
Single Full Member $35.00
Family Membership (two or more persons living at the same residential address) $50.00
Business Organisation $100.00
Community Organisation $50.00
Part II of the Constitution of Ear Inc. outlines the process of becoming a Member of the Association and explains the voting rights.
All categories of members have one vote at member meetings.
Application for Membership shall be made on the Membership Application Form on the "Contact us" page.
Volunteers at 2EAR FM must be Members of the Association.
All prospective and existing Volunteers at 2EAR FM should be familiar with the Volunteer Rights and Responsibilities.
Ten Good Reasons to be a Member of 2EAR FM
- Membership fees contribute to meeting the running costs of the radio station. Without this revenue, the station would find it difficult to survive.
- Membership ensures that your favourite program (s) will continue to broadcast.
- Membership encourages the broadcasters to continue with their good work and to provide more local content.
- Membership gives you the opportunity to stand for election on the Management Committee and offer your skills on Sub Committees.
- When You are a Member, you can vote at the annual General Meetings.
- As a member, you have a greater input in the way in which programs are broadcast.
- As a Member, you can participate in activities around the radio station, such as helping in the office, the studios and grounds.
- If you have an interest in broadcasting, as a Member you can apply to be trained in Radio Broadcasting Skills.
- A Member receives information about the station's activities.
- Membership is a way of saying "thank you" to the volunteer community of broadcasters who bring you the news, information, entertainment and music daily, throughout the year.